Monday, April 11, 2011

Yeast Infection Symptoms - What is a Yeast Infection? Find Out Now

Yeast infection occurs when a woman begins to have a white discharge with vaginal itching. When these two symptoms are observed, doctors tend to diagnose a patient with a yeast infection, although it is possible that a false diagnosis.

Many perfectly healthy women develop yeast in the vagina, it is normal. name for this natural yeast Candida, which is harmless when it is in equilibrium with the same variety of other needed bacteria, but it definitely can lead to infection if growth does not follow. To test for infection, doctors use a cotton swab to rub inside the vagina, then put it in a small amount of liquid water thoroughly examined later under a microscope.

There are many causes of yeast infections, such as taking birth control pills or certain antibiotics, although if the infection is itching in the genitals, it is very likely to be caused by sexual contact or malfunction in the immune system. Many of the symptoms that are signs to see if you have a yeast infection are vaginal itching, sensitive skin near the opening of the vagina and pain during urination or intercourse.

This condition is often found in women who are pregnant. Some ways to cure yeast infection would be through the use of prescribed medications, such as ketoconazole, fluconazole, or itraconazole, but be sure to consult with your doctor before taking any of these treatments, he said. According to a recent study done at University College, the women had yeast infections over and over again with the same kind of yeast did not actually have a separate infection, it is not a new infection. For these women, along with their sexual partners should be treated for several weeks with tablets that can be taken by mouth (according to what the doctor prescribes) that he would really kill the yeast and get rid of boring.

To prevent the spread of infection, it is necessary to wash your hands often, as well as any clothes that come close to affected areas. Having good hygiene is necessary, even oral hygiene. It's a good idea to not wear wet bathingsuits for a long time, as it is more likely that yeast will have time to form in such wet conditions.


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