Monday, April 18, 2011

Carrots, That's Why Rabbits Don't Have Heart Diseases

carrots, crunchy and delicious that makes it unique from other super foods. They are the same at any time of year when you buy them. Bright orange carrots contain a lot of antioxidants like vitamin plusphytonutrientsthat are are present in carrots prevents cancer . Carrots are high in fiber and low in calories. Obviously, you'll not be compared with the rabbit while eating carrots, but with a substantial amount of carrots can do much good for your health. One such advantage is keeping the disease in control. Carrots can be cooked and also you can use them in the raw in a salad. No matter how you like we always suggest you to eat carrots two or three times a week.

Our body needs more vitamin A and the heavy amount of vitamin C daily to keep our heart healthy in an environment where we live and carrots that except with a lot of beta carotene. One cup of carrots contains 20 381 international units of vitamin A, which is six times the amount needed for the day! Vitamin A has many health benefits: It's sharp vision as a form of vitamin called the retina is in the retinas of your eyes. Carrots help in the production of white blood cells that fight against any infections. promote normal cell growth and reproduction is also supported by the carrots. Vitamin C in carrots is important to keep your immune system, skin problems and prevent heart disease.

Carrots are filled with anti-oxidants like beta-carotene, which protects your cells to keep you young. Some other useful benefits of carrots are usually not known, such as the prevention of various cancers. 2008 article in Nutrition and Cancer, said that a diet rich in carotenoids reduce the risk of cervical cancer in women. Carrots are also useful to prevent diabetes, which is another reason that prevents heart disease. The research is published in the journal Diabetes Care 2008 confirms that high levels of carotenoids in the blood associated with a lower risk of diabetes. Another reason why carrots to prevent heart disease is that it helps to loose weight. Weight or the extra fat in the body can become the main reason of heart attacks, one cup of sliced ​​carrots contains only 50 calories, plus lots of fiber and therefore eat all of these fibers is a great way to have a crisp food without increasing the weight and prevent heart disease.


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