Friday, May 13, 2011

8 Cellulite Therapy Tips

cellulite effects between 85 - 90% of women and some men too, so that the market for cellulite treatments is vast and constantly growing. It seems that almost every week a new cellulite treatment is hitting the market, magazine ads and infomercials clamoring for our attention. With all these options can be a little confusing as to which cellulite treatment is the best option.

Most women do not actively dislike her cellulite and many are willing to invest time, energy and money in ways to get rid of or reduce the appearance. Unsightly cellulite can make a visit to the beach a nightmare, and most women's angst-ridden over the thought of wearing anything that might give insight into the world of her dimpled thighs.

So, here are 8 suggestions for the improvement and removal of cellulite. You can choose one or combine several, depending on motivation, time and money.

1 First exercise - not the sexiest all options as it involves getting sweaty and commitment, but one of the more effective and do not cost much either. Finding timedo 30 to 40 minutes of aerobic exercise , combinedwith some light weight is an effective tactic against cellulite . Exercise builds muscles that will burn fat and kick-start your circulation and lymphatic system, which stimulates the release of toxins that contribute to cellulite. Some options that you can try swimming, jogging, brisk walking and circuit training.

2 Cellulite is basically fat, even though stored in a different way to most body fat. However, by adopting a healthy eating pattern and losing excess weight, cellulite can be greatly reduced.

3 Toxins in the system will increase the risk of developing cellulite and will make existing cellulite worse. Common sources of toxins are caffeine, alcohol and smoking. If you can, it is best to eliminate these three items from your diet and lifestyle. If it sounds too terrible, then at least reduce to a minimum.

4 As an alternative to drinking coffee, use the basics to make fast, easy and inexpensive anti-cellulite treatment. Take a warmed coffee grounds, to allow them to cool, add a little oil and massage well into affected areas. Ideally, your skin should be wet when. Cover to keep foundation in place and wait 15 to 20 minutes and then rinsed and


5 Staying hydrated is very important for healthy skin throughout the body. Make sure you drink plenty of clean water throughout the day to help your body flush toxins. Our bodies are made ​​up of about 55 - 70% water, so make sure you keep your levels topped up


Continue reading for over the counter treatments and procedures to reduce cellulite and to sign up for free natural approach to reducing cellulite newsletter below.

6 Anti-cellulite lotions and creams can also be an effective weapon against the treacherous cheese appearance. There is a wide selection to choose from the wide range in prices too. However, you'll notice that most manufacturers recommend they be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program. the effects of these creams and lotions tend to be short lived if you continue to use products, which could get a little more expensive.

7 Massage is another option, especially Endermologie. This therapy uses a suctioning action to massage deep into the skin using special rollers. The idea behind this treatment is to break the connective tissue that contains pockets of fat, promote better circulation and gives a smooth appearance. This is not a permanent option, but after the initial course of treatment 'maintenance' program combined with a healthy diet and exercise can help keep cellulite at bay. It can cost more than $ 1000 for the first course of treatment, and then about $ 60 a month for maintenance treatment.

8 Another targeted therapy cellulite is mesotherapy, although it involves injections directly into the cellulite-affected areas. injections are homeopathic and encourage fat cells to break down and the body to eliminate the fat accumulated toxins and fluids.


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