Monday, June 6, 2011

Finding the Right Surgical Option For Your Acne

If you have tried everything to get rid of acne, and you just can not seem to get rid of it, it might be time to consider surgery.

No, not kind where you go under anesthesia, say goodbye to everyone and hope to wake up hours later. We're talking about surgical-type options for acne, the kind that have been done in the office, are relatively painless and does not require you to go to sleep at all.

In fact, the majority of surgical treatments for acne are not really surgery at all. They are often the same kind of treatment that women receive in a dermatologist's office to improve the appearance of their skin. So while you might be a little concerned about this kind of treatment, you should not be. They are common.

What kinds of things can you do to the surgical approach for acne? Let's look at a few.

chemical peels

chemical peels are strong chemicals that are put on the skin, and when removed, make your skin look smooth and even color. If your acne is really bad, basic peel will work to smooth your skin (it looks better and hope to delay how long it takes for the acne to return). If your acne is more severe, chemical peel to go deeper. Most chemical peels require no recovery time, but the deeper peels may take up to two weeks to completely heal.


This is a popular procedure for many people, not just those with acne, but it is really effective for those with acne. In this procedure, the doctor uses a vacuum tube (gently) to get the top layer of skin off, which helps to stimulate new (hopefully healthy) cell growth. If you have mild acne scarring, microdermabasion is a good choice because it is designed for light to moderate scarring.

If your scarring is more serious, you can still get a microdermabrasion, but the doctor will actually cut out the scar tissue with a small needle. Then he will stitch up the holes. Then the treated area so acne will not return.

Microdermabrasion is usually done over a period of several visits to the doctor, rather than during just one visit.

laser skin resurfacing

This is a popular treatment for people with older skin, but was found to be really effective for acne, too. In this procedure, a laser (almost like the ones that are used in laser pointers) literally vaporizes the top layer of skin, allowing new skin to grow. Sometimes the trick to getting rid of acne is getting rid of dead, damaged top layer of skin. This is what the laser can do.

See? They might be called surgical options, but there is really nothing surgical about them, but their success rate. If you are serious about getting rid of acne, this kind of treatment are worth looking into.

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