Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Principles of Herbal Skin Care

You've probably heard it a hundred times - herbal skin care is good for you. But do you know exactly what that means? How do you go about rejuvenating the skin by using natural resources? Let's find out what you need to do to have fresh young skin naturally.

The basic principle behind herbal skin care was simple - you have to think natural. This means that no invasive treatments such as Botox or collagen injections. In fact, chances are high that the skin care products are using right now also does not fall into the "natural" categories.

Just look at the ingredients is cream. Do they include parabens, mineral oils or fragrances? These are all the harsh chemicals that can cause a wide range of skin problems if used consistently over time. And yes, that includes the smell too.

To begin, you must have a balanced diet containing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. This will keep your body and your skin nourished and healthy. Their natural water content will also keep your skin hydrated.

To begin, you must have a balanced diet containing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. This will keep your body and your skin nourished and healthy. Their natural water content will also keep your skin hydrated.


Herbal skin care also involves using natural ingredients for the beauty of your skin.

Look for natural ingredients such as Phytessence wakame . This sea kelp from Japan is the secret of their women have beautiful skin than a century. This seaweed contains vitamin B complex and minerals like iron, calcium and potassium. Its calcium content is actually 15 times greater than milk. It also protects the skin from damage caused by UV rays from the sun and helps in preventing age spots.

Active Manuka Honey is a special honey that moisturizes the skin effectively. It also increases the production of collagen and elastin in the skin - two proteins essential for having a smooth and wrinkle free skin


grapeseed oil is a powerful antioxidant that protects skin from free radicals. It makes a thin, invisible film on the skin that holds moisture in. This oil is effective for treating the skin around the eyes and is shown to reduce stretch marks on the skin too.

Begin herbal skin care regimen with effective natural substances, and to see how your skin into a youthful and beautiful one.


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